Sarah Whitehall

Eagles Homeroom Teacher & K-8 Science and Nature Studies Teacher

Sarah Whitehall wears many hats at Roots Community School. She first began her teaching

journey with Roots as the Nature Study Teacher on Friday’s and went on to teach the Owls

class along with continuing the Nature Study Program.

Sarah is currently the Eagles classroom teacher and continues to teach and grow the Nature Study Program. Sarah is also teaching middle school science this academic year. She is a multi-talented teacher.


Sarah lives in Chelan with her 4 kids, a dog, two cats, and a bunny. She also owns a business

as a holistic health and parenting coach She focuses on movement, nutrition and holistic health

practices as well as supporting families to find peace, calm and joy in the everyday



Sarah studied psychology and school counseling in college but went into the family business

after graduating. After having her second child, she stayed at home full-time homeschooling her

children and began studying nutrition, movement, holistic health and education models. She

received her certification as a health coach from IIN and then completed a certification as a

personal trainer.


A lifelong learner, her interests in nature and plant medicine increased as she studied holistic

health practices. She then completed a year-long plant intensive program through Wilderness

Awareness School in Duvall studying with local herbalists and botanists and hoped there would

be an opportunity to share what she had learned with others. 


A few words from Sarah:

“I have worked with children my entire life whether in a daycare setting, as a nanny, caregiver

and of course as a mother. I was thrilled to find a school like Roots existed so close to us and

that I got to be a part of something I truly believed in. As a mother I have loved Roots for my

children and the opportunity to be with like-minded families that share in the same goals and as

a teacher I feel blessed that I get to go to a job where I am serving my community and fulfilling

my purpose.”


Kelsy Bordner


Rachel Robinson